MoMo634 - Motivational Moments
MoMo634 - Motivational Moments Podcast
3 Big Ways to Support Someone Struggling with Depression

3 Big Ways to Support Someone Struggling with Depression

Have a friend or loved one struggling with mental health issues? Here are three ways to help them know they are not alone!
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Hello and welcome to MoMo634 - Motivational Moments, Just for Today.

The main reason I began to speak out and speak up about mental health issues was because of the many hurtful comments made by others. I don't believe the comments were intended to hurt me, but because of the stigma around the discussion of mental health issues, many don't know what to say and go bumbling into the void.

The instinct many have is to try to help and in doing so, make it harder for us to feel comfortable discussing mental health issues.

Today, I'm going to share 3 big things you can say or do to show support:

1.    Simply be there. Saying, “I am here for you,” provided you mean this, and can simply listen, is one of the greatest ways to help.

2.    Offer to run errands, clean, or provide childcare while they rest. During the worst days, getting out of bed just to brush my teeth was truly exhausting. And parenting, too? So having a helper to do routine errands like shopping, or household tasks like laundry, dishes, or cleaning, is huge. And, as mentioned, we struggle with sleep issues, so a nap is so welcomed.

3.    Check in: Because there is such a stigma around mental health issues AND because people with depression tend to isolate, it’s lovely to just get a card or text – with no expectation of a reply – saying “I was thinking of you,” or “I’m praying for you.”

Romans 12:15

“Rejoice with those who rejoice; weep with those who weep.”

Our meme for today says “One heart communing with another is a language all its own.”

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Thank you for listening to MoMo634, Motivational Moments, Just for Today!

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MoMo634 - Motivational Moments
MoMo634 - Motivational Moments Podcast
MoMo is shorthand for "MOtivational MOments," bite-sized encouragement "just for today." The 634 is taken from Matthew 6:34 which says, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
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